Origins: the Clone

Michael Rogers Osborn (Subject 1974)  Project Rebirth II: Was a cloning project created by Norman Osborn  (Green Goblin ) & Miles Warren (The Jackal). Green Goblin / Norman Osborn While still on Goblin Serum OZ: (untested OZ Human Performance Enhancers which enhanced physical abilities and intellect but drives the user to insanity, invented by Professor Mendel Stromm a.k.a. Wardell Stromm ), wanted a son he could be proud of so he takes DNA from Harold "Harry" Osborn (pre-New Goblin)  "in his eyes" failed son and has Miles combine it with a stolen DNA sample of Steve Rogers (Captain America) in 1990 the second sample of his blood, the first used by Red Skull  to made himself a clone body of Rogers.

 After Norman dies has the Green Goblin , Miles learns that Subject 1974 will suffer the same fate has his other clones (Unstable DNA) and also that the  Super-Soldier Formula  (the serum was not a drug per se, which would have metabolized out of his system, but in fact a virus that effect biochemical and genetic change in the body.) has long- term side effects on the body because it altered biochemistry, like Steve Rogers, the clone body would began to deteriorate starting with the bones. 

When Harry Osborn became Green Goblin (II) using Goblin serum OZ. Miles steals some, using the only sample he has on Subject 1974 of Project Rebirth II. This stables the clone, fixes side effect of the Goblin Serum OZ( Which caused insanity in users). Also not only does this fix the problem it seems that Subject 1974 could now made his own serum a mix of both Goblin serum Oz and Super-Soldier Formula in his cells, later called (SSFOZ), which was not fatal to only him and that his bones would become harder and stronger. 

One unforeseen side-effect Subject 1974  couldn't be cloned nor powers transferred.  This drove Miles Warren (The Jackal) more insane who wanted to create a line of Supersoldiers  and the clone would also need to age five years to stabilize fully. When the Jackal was killed in one of his attack against Spider-Man and the Scarlet Spider (the  Clone Saga).  Subject 1974 of the Project Rebirth II, at age 5 was put in stasis pod by Oscrop computer in 2005 in a secret lab. Do to a leak in the pod cooling system he was exposed to Vita Radiation the key to  fixes long-term side effect of the  Super-Soldier Formula 

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